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Trying to make a member dashboard on Webflow? Here’s a list of some of the best free webflow dashboard templates that you can clone and use on your website right away!
Best Webflow Dashboard Cloneables
Building a website with Webflow and want to make a great dashboard that your website users will enjoy and will also fill all the functions and needs of both you and your clients? Building dashboards with Webflow open unlimited possibilities, but like with everything Webflow - you don’t need to start from scratch!
Can you build a dashboard in Webflow?
Yes! You can build any type of user dashboard in Webflow. In most cases you will need some third party tools to make your dashboard work as intended. Be it Memberstack for memberships and logins, or API connectors that pulls data from your database or spreadsheet.
Or, you can use the cloneables that we’re about to talk about and see what are the best free Webflow dashboard cloneables that you can clone and start using today, let’s jump right into it!
App and SaaS Dashboards
Let’s start with the juicy stuff because we all know why you are here. You are building something complex. This isn’t your first Webflow rodeo and you think you can pull off a fully functional dashboard on Webflow.
That’s exactly why we start with this option. If you are looking for something simpler, scroll down and check out our next few sections, but if you are looking for the real deal dashboard builds, here they are!
Dashflow X - UI Kit Website Template by BRIX Templates
If you need a whole app running on Webflow, not just a dashboard that looks like an app, then this would be your first building block!
This dashboard has a high degree of integration feasibility and could easily be integrated with a number of other aspects including using MemberStack for authentication, MiddleLink for backend, Airtable for data and WeBlocks for javascript. The components are all already present and mostly it would just take a little extra custom code. However, this dashboard has already got so many bells and whistles going for it the sky is the limit with what this one can do!
Even if you are planning to use any other replacement tool instead of any of the tools above, or don’t need half of these tools - still clone this dashboard template and dig around. You will find amazing pieces there, we promise you! You could use it whole or piecemeal, or take what you need and clone it into something else.

What is in this dashboard?
Practically everything! And what it doesn’t already include, it possesses the UI components to build the systems in afterwards. The best part? This build is in that intermediate to pro Webflow development level, so most Webflow developers have the experience to pick this up real quick.
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ Advanced Webflow devs that want to build a full-on web application. It would be particularly valuable for startups needing a polished admin interface, companies wanting to monitor business metrics, teams requiring user and task management, projects needing data visualization and applications requiring robust reporting.
Bottom line:
😎 Dashflow X is best used for quickly creating admin panels or internal dashboards where you need pre-built UI components for displaying data, user stats, and analytics. It's primarily a visual template system for Webflow that lets you build good-looking dashboards without coding from scratch. The main use case would be creating things like admin interfaces, data visualization portals, or monitoring dashboards where the focus is on displaying information rather than complex application functionality.
Client Dashboards
Even though you can build any functionality and any type of dashboard with Webflow, the most common dashboards will forever be client or user dashboards. Great news, because there are so many different client dashboard cloneables to choose from!
Check out our curated collection of Webflow dashboards that will help you build something amazing that your users will love. Let’s dig in!
Client Dashboard Template by Memberstack
We aimed to make this dashboard that perfect empowering cloneable that every Webflow developer will love, despite their experience level. While those who are just starting out with Webflow will have the most fun with it, this doesn’t mean that experienced devs will not enjoy this one as well.

What is in this dashboard?
Simple and functional login page, sign up page and a tab navigation panel composition with client profile settings page and several customizable pages that you can make fit your business and clients!
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ Your first ever dashboard build with authorization for Webflow or a quick test build for experienced devs. It’s simple enough for beginners to understand and elegant enough for experienced developers to appreciate!
Bottom line:
😎 Use this dashboard if you want to test possibilities of authorisation on Webflow. Also, great for beginners playing around or for a company just starting up and needing a client dashboard to get off the ground running with! More experienced Webflowers may even be interested in taking this template and jazzing it up with some more bells and whistles for their own purposes!
Pet Dashboard by ArnabRoy
This pet dashboard will be handy if you are building any type of website, so don’t get fooled by its simple design and pets niche. There are so many great sections and pages in this dashboard, any advanced webflow developer will be able to use this cloneable dash to build any type of member dashboard. The building blocks are there for unlimited potential!

What is in this dashboard?
This detail-oriented dash has 15+ pages ready to be used as building blocks for your next Webflow dashboard. There’s nothing fancy happening in the backend but there are so many elements like sidebar, loads of analytics widgets and other types of data showcasing blocks you can use. Lots of space to play and create your ideal dashboard!
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ MVP build
✅ Dev ideation
✅ Spare data blocks
Bottom line:
😎 Use this dashboard as the building blocks to create your own
Dashboard Designs (UX/UI)
This section is all about UX/UI and not about that core functionality. Because each project and website build require its own unique experience… Sometimes it’s better to just start with a great dashboard design that doesn’t have that much functionality.
This section is all about cool cloneable dashboard design that you can start with!
Webflow Meetup Dashboard by Emil Villumsen
You say “mobile dashboard?”, we say - yes! Responsive? You bet!
When it comes to responsive mobile Webflow dashboard design, it’s not that easy to pull it off… We have all been there, it’s really hard to get some good UI and UX going for a dashboard that will be viewed on mobile. Designing websites for mobile requires careful consideration of limited screen space, which forces difficult decisions about content hierarchy and navigation patterns. Touch interactions introduce additional complexity since elements need appropriate sizing and spacing to be easily tappable, while still maintaining an efficient layout that works across hundreds of different device sizes and orientations.
It doesn’t matter if you seek Webflow mobile dashboard design inspiration or just want to copy this build piece by piece, this a great showcase on how slick mobile dashboard design can be!

Best part? It has 4 CMSes, which makes this a really powerful Webflow cloneable.
What is in this dashboard?
While it’s a unique take on how community event pages could look after you sign in to the platform, there are a myriad of ways you can reuse this for almost any type of project. 6 pages and 4 CMS are waiting for you to start building!
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ Any type of multi category and “CMS on CMS on CMS” build that you also want to look slick on mobile (or just in general too)!
Bottom line:
😎 Use this dashboard if you want to bring that “wow” experience for your users both on mobile and desktop
Dashboard Template by Flagship Designer
Think of this cloneable Webflow dashboard template as a “blank dashboard canvas”.
Its cute design comes with a great dashboard sidebar set up and there is a solid functional grid structure behind the “recognizable SaaS dashboard card design”. It’s got the basics set up to do just about anything and go just about anywhere you want it to, so the sky is the limit (and your own creativity of course)!

What is in this dashboard?
Expect to find a few grids in a single page packed together with a header and a nice sidebar. Nothing less, nothing more.
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ Dashboard build starting interface
Bottom line:
😎 Use this dashboard as the starting interface design base for your main client dashboard view, build more views from it
CMS Dashboards
If you are not planning to pull data from third party databases like Sheets or AirTable, you might consider finding a cloneable Webflow dashboard that works well with Webflow native CMS.
This section is all about that - cloneable Webflow CMS dashboard templates!
CMS Multi Page Dashboard by Kaela Williams
So you might want to fix up the basic design a bit on this, but this CMS dashboard has a few excellent aspects that will work great on certain types of Webflow site builds.
Think gated content sites for courses, tutorials, and docs but also anything that requires a simple few tab interface and collections showcased in those tabs. Any kind of training system, as well as client and administrative portals would work well with this template also.

What is in this dashboard?
Expect to find 3 pages that you can navigate through with the navigation sidebar. The CMS itself is not connected to the actual build, but that will not be a problem. Each page has a different card or tab design to showcase your videos, files or any type of other gated content.
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ Gated content builds for showcasing courses, videos, docs and other paid member content
Bottom line:
😎 Use this dashboard as a starting interface and add your own CMS on top. The template's proven architecture handles complex features like user management, data visualization, and responsive layouts - letting businesses focus on their unique content and user experience rather than reinventing dashboard fundamentals.
E-commerce and Category Dashboards
While this set of dashboards might not be exactly what we think when we say dashboard, they are a handy place for inspiration. This list of cloneable e-commerce Webflow dashboards are not only about selling products.
They can be also used for blogs, categories, CMS and any other type of content. We named them e-commerce for that shopping sensation feeling they give you. But all good Webflow devs know that it’s easy to change that feeling in a matter of minutes!
Dashboard Freebie by Memberstack
Yes, we have multiple free dashboard cloneables that you can use and this is just more one cool example. We went for that shopping vibe here with the aim to make dashboard cards more interesting and inspiring. We went for a great looking UI that expands further than just e-commerce functionality, think bigger here! This concept could go as simple as you want or expand to a supermarket sized company!

What is in this dashboard?
A simple dashboard interface for an e-commerce shop, but there’s thousands of different builds that you can make with it for any niche, industry or website. Because the core sidebar navigation and header is here, you can focus on simply manipulating main content cards as you please!
What is this dashboard best for?
✅ Unique user experience after they login to your Webflow website
✅ Inspiration for different data card set ups
Bottom line:
😎 Use this dashboard if you know how to build with Webflow, but just want to start your build with some slick UI
Have a dashboard cloneable that could be showcased on this list?
Haven't found what you are looking for? Be sure to check Webflow dashboard cloneables showcase or drop us a message if you think we missed something here!
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