Nine Best Webflow Job Board Templates 


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Robert Jett

Want to build a job board with Webflow? Here’s a list of the best free webflow job board templates that you can clone and use on your website right away...

Free And Paid Webflow Job Board Cloneables

As the nature of work changes, the online job board has become an essential tool connecting job-seekers and potential employers. These websites often combine searchable and filterable CMS databases with list elements, giving job seekers a clear overview of what is available. 

A large portion of these sites operate as intermediaries between companies and employers. They aggregate existing job postings and link to those pages – sometimes for a commission and others for free. 

The structure of job sites are relatively standardized. In Webflow, most use CMS collections to gather information about these job postings – the name of the employer, the type of work, job descriptions, and links to the applications. Some might allow you to create filters around job postings, often updating the list in real time. 

The examples below combine many of these features, providing what we believe to be a great starting point for anyone looking to add a job board to their Webflow site. 

Memberstack’s Premium Job Board Template

At Memberstack, our goal is to provide you with out-of-the-box solutions for your online business so that you can spend your time focusing on the things that matter. This premium job board template is no exception. We’ve included all of the features that you might need to get your site up and running. This includes features like:

  • In-platform DMs/chats

  • Custom member dashboards (managed by Memberstack, of course)
  • Job search capabilities for applicants
  • Talent search for companies
  • The ability to feature applicants
  • The ability to automate job postings
  • And an in-platform portfolio viewer

What is in this website template? 

All of the features mentioned above as well as all of the infrastructure needed to monetize this job board from the start – both from paid featured status (for applicants) and from paid talent search (from companies). 

Additionally (as with all MEmberstack premium templates), it comes with the full Webflow project, all related scenarios, a 15 video tutorial series, private Slack group, and a Memberstack template ID for the design of the site. 

We really tried to make this template as useful as it can be for your team! 

Pros Cons
✅ As comprehensive as possible for what your job board might need ❌ Not free! It costs $55 for Memberstack customers and $135 without an account
✅ Comes with an incredible amount of support from the Memberstack team and community

The Bottom Line

We have tried hard to give you a premium template that will cover all possible use cases and more. If it isn’t exactly what you need, the team here at Memberstack is ready to assist in any way possible. 

Job Board Starter by Ben Parker


As the name states, this is a good starting point for anyone looking for a simple, straightforward job board template. It includes three CMS collections (Job Postings, Companies, and Categories), the last two linked to the first to create each entry row. These postings are then displayed in a scrollable list sandwiched between header and footer sections. 

What is in this website template? 

  • Home page and style guide for job board
  • Three CMS databases (Job Posting, Companies, and Categories) with same data 

What is this website template best for? 

  • Job boards (or clients) looking to introduce significant customization into a very barebones job board template 
Pros Cons
✅ Very functionally straightforward ❌ Not particularly robust or visually impactful
✅ Does not require outside software or code

The Bottom Line

This is a good starting point for people new to Webflow who want to get an idea of how a barebones job board might be created. 

Greenhouse Job Board in Webflow (w/ JavaScript) by Ben Parker


This minimalist job board gathers job listings from Greenhouse and displays them on load using some JS code contained before the <body> tag. You can explore how the code works in the page settings (it has fairly good comments), but it might require some knowledge of JS and API endpoints. You can find documentation on how it works here. On the default template (and in the editor preview), you see just a loading animation that is replaced with the job postings once the code is published. 

What is in this website template? 

  • A home page template with a small header section and the section where the JS code will be rendered
  • JS code and documentation explaining how to link it to your job board on Greenhouse  

What is this website template best for? 

  • Experienced developers who want to display jobs that are being posted through Greenhouse
Pros Cons
✅ A great way to display Greenhouse job postings with your own design  ❌ Not a great template for beginners 
✅ Code comes with comments and documentation 

The Bottom Line

This is a very specific template that applies to a very small set of use cases. If you know enough about JS/APIs and you have jobs to pull from Greenhouse, this is an exceptionally good template for you. 

Jolly Job Board by Ihsaan Hoque


This template uses Jetboost’s Dynamic Filtering and Real-Time, On-Page CMS Search features to create a real-time searchable and filterable job board template that pulls from CMS data. Jetboost provides entirely no-code solutions for each of these functions, meaning that no additional code has to be implemented in the design process. 

Jetboost provides a step-by-step walkthrough on setting up and connecting your Webflow site to their services. If you use a custom domain on your Webflow site you will have to purchase a premium subscription to Jetboost (at $24/mo or $228/year).

What is in this website template? 

  • A templated version of your job board that is easy to connect with Jetboost services 
  • Three sample CMS collections (Job Types, Jobs, Companies) 

What is this website template best for? 

  • Job boards with many distinct categories that visitors might want to search through 
Pros Cons
✅ Support available from third-party provider ❌ Strong reliance on paid third-party software
✅ Real-time search and filtering 

The Bottom Line

JetBoost is a great service for people looking to achieve a couple extremely specific things (dynamic filtering, CMS search, etc.) without having to learn how to figure out how to code that into your website. This is a great template for making that process easier. 

CMS Job Board Template (w/ Jetboost) by Chris Spags


Another template from Jetboost, this one uses drop-down selects and other search criteria to filter through the job board. Its two-column design is also a great alternative to the design of the previous template. This also uses the Dynamic Filtering and Real-Time, On-Page CMS Search features, although they point to different information and have a different format in this example. There also seems to be space for a “favorite” feature, which is also offered by Jetboost. 

What is in this website template? 

  • A templated version of your job board that is easy to connect with Jetboost services 
  • Three sample CMS collections (Job Types, Jobs Roles, Jobs)

What is this website template best for? 

  • As above, Jetboost provides great solutions for specific use cases. This one is better suited for job boards that contain many filterable data types
Pros Cons
✅ High specificity in filters ❌ Heavy reliance on third-party software
✅ CMS-enabled

The Bottom Line

Jetboost is a powerful tool and a great option for anyone looking to add dynamic filtering to their site! 

Job Portal (v1) with Cloneable Hero Section by THS


This is a sleek landing page for a job board website offering a variety of job categories. Unfortunately, this is only the landing page (and a signup/login page), so the actual job listing will have to be done using other templates. However, the framing offered here is really sleek and is a great starting point for websites focused solely on being a job portal. 

What is in this website template? 

  • Homepage template with a header section containing job types
  • A signup/login page (which can be integrated with something like Memberstack)

What is this website template best for? 

  • Job portals looking for sleek home pages to drive traffic to the actual job postings
Pros Cons
✅ Wide variety of job categories ❌ Just a homepage – so the job board itself must be designed separately and integrated with the existing header
✅ Appealing homepage design 

The Bottom Line

The design of job portals extends past the listing itself. This template is a great design for the homepage – but really only that. 

Nextplace Job Portal Template by James Baduor


This template offers a fairly compelling formatting for a job portal homepage. It uses a minimalist, rounded box design and provides a summary of roles that are available (and a link to a larger list). Like the last one, this one is really just a homepage template, so the rest of the site would need to be built separately. It is also not connected to any CMS, so the search features as well as the sample data would need to be setup and linked separately. 

What is in this website template? 

  • A template for the homepage of the job portal 
  • Space for links to different categories, companies, and featured content

What is this website template best for? 

  • Job portals looking for a minimalist way to drive people to a separate job listings portal
Pros Cons
✅ Sleek design for a homepage ❌ Only includes a homepage
✅ Great framework for several job categories

The Bottom Line

Much like the last one, this is a great option if you are trying to set up the framework for your job board. The design is very conducive to professional-looking websites. 

CMS Job Board Template #2 (w/ Jetboost) by Chris Sprigs


Another JetBoost-powered jobs board template. It includes many of the features of the previous ones with a different design profile. The checkbox design in particular is different, with a button design being the main focus here. This works well if there are only a few categories (like Contractor, Full time and Part Time as is included in the design). The search fields and the real-time updates, as well as the favorite features make use of the same features linked above. 

What is in this website template? 

  • A templated version of your job board that is easy to connect with Jetboost services 
  • Three sample CMS collections (Job Types, Jobs Roles, Jobs)

What is this website template best for? 

  • We’ve been over the uses of JetBoost already, but this one is best suited for situations where there aren’t that many categories of jobs to filter through
Pros Cons
✅ Real-time, dynamic filtering ❌ Reliance on third-party software
✅ CMS-enabled

The Bottom Line

As with the other Jetboost examples, this is a great example of how the software can be used to enhance your job board. 

Riposte – CMS-Driven JobBoard by Jonathan Fors


This is a comprehensive job board template that includes both the job board and a form template onto which jobs can be submitted. It is powered by the Webflow CMS and has templated CMS pages for different locations and job types (meaning that it’s possible to get a page of /location/asia slug, for example). This is a really great option that includes compelling animations and a sleek, modern design. 

What is in this website template? 

  • A jobs board template with filter buttons (and CMS-templated pages for filtering) 
  • A submission page for new entries to the job postings CMS collection

What is this website template best for? 

  • Job boards that want to have filtering but do not want to rely on third-party software to accomplish it
Pros Cons
✅ All Webflow-native elements (no external code or software)  ❌ Doesn’t not do real-time/dynamic filtering 
✅ Sleek, modern design 

The Bottom Line

This is a simpler version of the real-time, dynamic filtering job boards powered by Jetboost Although it is less robust, it is also less dependent on third-party software. 

CMS Dynamic Filters (w/ Jetboost) by Chris Spags


The last Jetboost-based option, this template is less about presenting a job board and more about highlighting a potential feature that you might want to incorporate into your site. Like the rest of the Jestboost examples, this one demonstrates the capabilities of real-time, dynamic filtering through a “filter by tag” section. It is extremely comprehensive, with ten separate templates for different types of filtering. 

What is in this website template? 

  • A ten-part demo of dynamic filtering
  • Sample CMS collections that might be used in each of these demos

What is this website template best for? 

  • Companies that want to make use of Jetboost’s dynamic filtering features but are more interested in customizing them to existing project needs
Pros Cons
✅ Jetboost provides useful tutorials for setup ❌ Not focused on job boards specifically
✅ Extremely comprehensive overview of the capabilities of dynamic filtering

The Bottom Line

Jetboost is a powerful tool for any job board – dynamic filtering is a great way to make your site look more professional and user-friendly.