Cloneable Webflow Scroll Animation Templates


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Aiva (Search Historian)

Trying to make a scroll animation on Webflow? Here’s a list of the best free webflow scroll animations that you can clone and use on your website right away...

Best Webflow Scroll Animation Cloneables

While we might still lack certain types of Webflow cloneables for certain web design element categories… Webflow interactions capabilities made sure that there is no lack of different scroll animation cloneables to choose from!

Thanks to creative Webflow designers and developers, we had a lot to choose from! We made sure to check every scroll animation there is and pick only the best clonables that have something unique going for them!

Free Scroll Animation Cloneables for Webflow

With so many to choose from, with this list we tried to make sure we have at least one of each scroll animation for different interactions on your page. Here they are:

  • Best CMS scroll animation
  • Best Lottie scroll animation
  • Most creative navbar and hero section scrollable effect (must see!)
  • Step by step sticky image showcase scroll animation (works on any list of sections)
  • Infinite loop scroll animation - webpage that you can’t leave!

Sticky Image Section Page Scroll Animation Cloneable by Jonas Arleth

This cloneable has a simple effect that not everyone might create on their own, but after you see it… You want this on your next project! Best part? It comes with a video tutorial so you can not only repurpose this cloneable, but also learn more about how it was made.

It utilises a split screen design approach to showcase any type of list of sections that need some text and images in them. That’s in short, but be sure to open this cloneable up in Webflow to have a good deepdive into how this was done. Amazing!

What is in this scroll animation?

Sticky section image scroll animation that allows you to showcase different 

What is this scroll animation best for?

  • Any type of showcase scroll animation for steps, projects or other types of elements
Pros Cons
✅ Looks cool and simple ❌ Not a CMS, but can be rebuilt for that
✅ Video tutorial included
✅ Will match most Webflow builds out of the box

Bottom line:

😎 Use this scroll animation if you need a smooth way to showcase steps or projects on your next Webflow website build. Also use it if you want to learn more about sticky scroll animation using Webflow interactions.

Logo and Navbar Scroll Animation Cloneable by Francesco Castronuovo

This kinda blew our mind when we saw it. So much creativity behind this amazing cloneable!

It takes the centre hero element, which in this case is the logo and… places it into the navbar as you start scrolling down!

The best part about this is that this cloneable doesn’t have lipsum texts or other images to finalise this effect. This is a great approach because it leaves space for your creativity when it comes to how you can use this amazing cloneable. Seems like possibilities are endless here!

What is in this scroll animation?

Logo animation where it goes from hero section to navbar as you scroll down.

What is this scroll animation best for?

  • Unique user experiences on the homepage
Pros Cons
✅ Insanely cool idea ❌ You will need a second navbar for other pages that are not the homepage and doesn’t utilise this scroll effect
✅ This effect can be repurposed into many different interactions

Bottom line:

😎 Use this scroll animation if you have a cool homepage interaction idea that includes the navbar and hero section. It can be reshaped to be something different than the logo element, especially if you decide to use a lottie file instead!

Lottie Animation Page Scroll Animation Cloneable by

It will be hard to write about this scroll animation without spoiling it. So we will keep this short!

This scroll animation utilises lottie .json animation file to create a really cool and fun animation. What’s in this animation? Let it be a cute surprise when you check it out on your own!

What is in this scroll animation?

A great cloneable that shows how to use any lottie animation file to create a great experience for website visitors.

What is this scroll animation best for?

  • Learning more about scroll interaction and lottie files
  • Inspiration for what experiences .json lottie files can make in combination with Webflow interactions
Pros Cons
✅ Very cute ❌ We can’t tell you what is inside this animation, you have to see it for yourself!
✅ Utilises multiple page trigger parameters

Bottom line:

😎 Use this lottie scroll animation cloneable if you want to learn how to use lottie .json files inside your next Webflow project!

CMS Scroll Animation Cloneable by Timothy Ricks

While this cloneable might need some heavy redesigning to match most Webflow projects, it has something that needs to be studied and used by many projects! It uses custom jQuerry code to allow you to scroll through CMS elements.

If that’s something you would like to use in your next project, be sure to give this clone a deep dive. This cloneable has been cloned by web-flowers a lot, so you know it’s a good one that many Webflow developers benefited from!

What is in this scroll animation?

Section that rolls through all CMS items as you scroll down the page.

What is this scroll animation best for?

  • Webflow devs that will match this with proper design and other solutions to create a really amazing section
Pros Cons
✅ Custom jQuerry code ❌ Will need to be matched with many different design tactics to be what it can be. We are talking about sticky section or other ways to make this a truly immersive experience!
✅ Very unique user experience

Bottom line:

😎 Use this scroll animation if you need a custom code way for your users to be able to scroll through CMS items. If you match this cloneable with a decent redesign and some other cool Webflow interactions or CSS properties, this will turn out to be one of the coolest scroll animations anyone has ever seen!

Forever Scroll Loop Animation Cloneable by Joshua Fry

This cloneable is cool and might be less useful than others on this list, but it must be on this list for learning purposes! Long story short, this is a two section page that you can’t leave.

This cloneable creates that limbo effect where users get back to the first section after scrolling a bit, which locks users in an infinite loop that they can’t escape.

What is in this scroll animation?

Infinite scroll loop that you can’t escape.

What is this scroll animation best for?

  • Learning more about Webflow interaction triggers
  • Creating a weird and unique experience
Pros Cons
✅ Creativity behind this cloneable was over 9000 ❌ Not a lot of use cases where this scroll animation is actually valuable
✅ Great way to stimulate your imagination of what is possible with Webflow

Bottom line:

😎 Use this scroll animation if you want to deepen your knowledge in what is possible. You might not end up using it ever, but you will be aware of some of the creative ways how scroll animation can be used to create unique user experiences.

3D Scroll Animation Cloneable That Will Make You Say Wow by Jonas Arleth

If you wouldn’t be able to see how this was done on video - you would think this is some voodoo magic or something!

Will you be able to reuse this cloneable? Most likely not! But you will be able to watch this video and use this cloneable to learn about some really advanced interaction builds on Webflow.  

This gif below doesn’t actually give this scroll animation justice, you have to open it to believe it!

What is in this scroll animation?

Very complex 3D motion animation that utilises Webflow page scroll interaction triggers.

What is this scroll animation best for?

  • Learning about advanced Webflow animations
Pros Cons
✅ 3D ❌ Very advanced animation that requires being proficient in more advanced tools than just Webflow to create something like this
✅ Looks like a video, not a website
✅ Has a video tutorial
✅ Will blow your mind 🤯

Bottom line:

😎 Use this scroll animation cloneable if you want to learn how to make 3D motion in Webflow. Don’t forget that 3D is just an effect that 2D environment has, so you can do anything on any Webflow page after you learn about it!

Have a scroll animation cloneable that could be showcased on this list?

Haven't found what you are looking for? Be sure to check Webflow scroll animation cloneables showcase or drop us a message if you think we missed something here!

Other Webflow Cloneables

Be sure to check out our other best cloneable lists if you found this article about cloneable Webflow scroll animation templates helpful. Here’s a list of other free Webflow cloneable collections that we handpicked for you!