Free Cloneable Webflow Websites


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Aiva (Search Historian)

Trying to make a website on Webflow? Here’s a list of the best free Webflow website cloneables that you can clone and use on your website right away...

Best Webflow Website Cloneables

We've searched and searched and found all the best free cloneable website templates there are. If you are a Webflow designer or developer, you will be able to take full advantage of these cloneables and get your project off the ground.

Free Website Cloneables for Webflow

Take me to the cloneables now -

  • Our winner pick: Best SME landing page website with client-first style guide (current design feels like luxury hotel or restaurant, but with a colour and font change it will match any local business)
  • Most interactive single page website cloneable with loads of interactions
  • Free CV or portfolio website cloneable with multiple CMSes and many static pages
  • Cool band website cloneable that can match many different projects if you have time to design more pages and sections
  • Free cloneable that shouts - every quick small local business website ever made (with a CMS that makes new navbar items and pages)
  • My client wants a Wordpress website that is made with Webflow… so I picked this cloneable as a starting point!

Free Band Website Template Cloneable by Salman Salahuddin

While this website is only one page, this site can be a great starting point for anyone looking into making their own micro website that will be 5-10 pages. It has all the bases you need to start and even though it doesn’t have any more pages, if you can design them yourself - you know you will have a great website. 

While it has that band website vibe going, especially with the cool snow effect - this site can be used for any type of Webflow project. Again, as long as you have an idea of what other pages need to be there and can make them yourself, get this cloneable so you don’t have to start from scratch.

What is in this website template?

Single page with all most important navigation ready for website expansion.

What is this website template best for?

  • Small projects that need that hip vibe going for them
  • One page websites that need to be published right now (just delete navbar)
Pros Cons
✅ Cool vibrant look ❌ Only homepage is in this cloneable
✅ Amazing video snow effect

Bottom line:

😎 Use this website template if you are ready to make more pages and this homepage fits your overall design needs.

CV Website Template Cloneable by Sean Fournier

With more and more people sending in their CVs as a link, this is a great cloneable to make your online CV into a fully functioning website. While it might not be much in terms of design or section count, it’s clean and easy to use. 

Most importantly it’s completely free to clone! Anyone who needs a simple portfolio website or an online CV that can be easily shared as a link could benefit from this great cloneable. By the way, keep in mind that this is not a small website like it might seem if you don’t open it in Webflow designer, just check the live site.

Oh last thing! It has a free link in the bio page that you can customise and use on your social media pages in places like your Instagram profile.

What is in this website template?

Quite a hefty website with a few CMSes that will fit any portfolio or CV site project.

What is this website template best for?

  • Those who are looking to create their own website without hiring a professional
  • Webflow pros that want to save time and make create a similar website asap
Pros Cons
✅ 4 CMSes ❌ Almost no Webflow interactions
✅ 13 static pages
✅ Link in bio page (nice!)
✅ Quite a big website for a portfolio or CV project

Bottom line:

😎 Use this website template if you need to make a CV or portfolio website fast. It has everything you need and more!

Free Small Business Webflow Website Template Cloneable by Ailín James Tobin

It’s not common to get a full website cloneable that is not just a homepage… When in need of a really simple, yet fully functional small business website - be sure to check out this neat cloneable!

While it looks like a yoga studio website, this free website template will fit most small businesses. Especially if you can make a section or two on your own. This site has all the basics any SME might need.They also have a dynamic menu with new CMS pages, which would allow your clients to create their own pages from CMS. 

If this last sentence sounded weird, be sure to check it out to see it in action - long story short, this site has a CMS that creates links in navbar. 

What is in this website template?

Basics for any SME website build, especially if you need it yesterday!

What is this website template best for?

  • Small business projects that don’t need much custom design and just need it online right now
Pros Cons
✅ New page CMS ❌ Some of the cards seem like they would be a CMS, but actually aren't
✅ Blog CMS ❌ It’s best if you can whip up a few extra sections for your client if you choose to go with this cloneable
✅ All the basics any SME needs - ready to launch now

Bottom line:

😎 Use this website template if you have a SME project where speed is much more important than quality. Especially if you need a quick “under construction” page, but think to yourself - with Webflow it can be an actual small site, while we are making the real thing!

Vibrant Homepage Only Website Template Cloneable by Halo Lab

Who said work in progress pages have to be boring? Any Canva pro will really know what to do with this awesome single page website - the design is slick and is easy to make feel unique with just a few colours, transparent images and some logic changes. 

It’s professional, has loads of interesting Webflow interactions going and most importantly - it doesn’t actually seem like a small website. While you are only looking at the homepage and there’s nothing more there!

Say goodbye to a simple image that says a “website under construction” - say hello to a fully functional and informative landing page that will work like a charm while you guys are building the real thing. All the most important information like team, contacts, reviews, process and much more can be achieved with small edits to 4 main sections this page has.

What is in this website template?

4 interactive sections with both navbar and footer that can work as a temporary website or an insane landing page.

What is this website template best for?

  • Quick builds where you will benefit from a set of complex Webflow interactions and main sections that make up this single page build
Pros Cons
✅ Sections made in a way that can serve multiple purposes (i.e. reviews section also works for team or any other list) ❌ Single page
✅ Looks extremely expensive and cool - this aesthetic can be maintained with some simple assets made quickly to match the site ❌ Not everyone likes this much interactivity with so much movement happening all the time

Bottom line:

😎 Use this website template if you need a landing page and know your way around Photoshop or Canva. Change assets, swap colour swatches and edit sections. You will have an amazing landing page in a matter of minutes or a few hours.

“Looks Like Wordpress” Free Client Website Template Cloneable by Mitch Gonsalves

Those of us who had worked with Wordpress websites before Webflow will definitely know what we are talking about. This cloneable screams - every Wordpress website template ever made… Now for free on Webflow!

This cloneable made the list because sometimes you get a client that actually needs exactly this website. But bigger. In cases like that, choosing this cloneable is the best start - but from here, you can start building it Webflow way, meaning you can add custom CMSes, create pages and new cool sections.

What is in this website template?

Homepage for client website that looks a bit old-school and will match a certain type of client needs.

What is this website template best for?

  • Client builds that actually don’t need any creative design, Webflow interactions and adding them would make your client upset
Pros Cons
✅ Great starting cloneable for a very simple site ❌ Looks old-school while being built in Webflow, which is great if that’s exactly what you need
✅ Authentic Wordpress look ❌ Single landing page
✅ Great starting point for any simple project that actually don’t want any modern website design

Bottom line:

😎 Use this website template if you want to show your clients the difference between working with Webflow and Wordpress. Also use this Wordpress website cloneable for Webflow if you have a client that is all about that simple site look that everyone had in the last 10 years.

Free Restaurant or Hotel Website Template Cloneable by Abdul Qader

We saved the best for last! Let’s talk about the most important part of this cloneable - it’s the only landing page that actually has a style guide page. And for a single page website there’s loads of valuable sections that will fit most small business scenarios. 

While this cloneable has that luxury hotel or restaurant design, with a few changes of colour and font it can become any small business website. While it might not seem like so at a first glance, we could argue that in terms of free website cloneables for small businesses - this is the best one you can find. At least on the day of writing this article, it definitely was the best one!

What is in this website template?

Everything you need to launch a functional SME website - today!

What is this website template best for?

  • Any type of SME client that needs their website fast
  • Local businesses that need a cool website
Pros Cons
✅ Client-first class naming convention ❌ Single page, but in this case it’s still probably one of the best landing page sites out there
✅ 7 valuable sections ❌ Too small of a site for any project that needs SEO
✅ Navbar and footer included

Bottom line:

😎 Use this website template if you need an expensive looking website for your SME client and they need it fast. Can be especially useful cloneable if you plan to roll-out this project in versions, for a v1 this can be all a client could ever hope for and more!

Have a website template cloneable that could be showcased on this list?

Haven't found what you are looking for? Be sure to check Webflow website cloneables showcase or drop us a message if you think we missed something here!

Other Webflow Cloneables

Be sure to check out our other best cloneable lists if you found this article about free cloneable Webflow website templates helpful. Here’s a list of other free Webflow cloneable collections that we handpicked for you!